
Welcome to Reception
At Kaye’s, we understand that starting school is a big step, for both you and your child. It is the beginning of their journey into full time education and is a very important year. Together as a staff team, and in partnership with you, we will work hard to ensure that your child’s journey into full time school is the best that it can be.
Teacher - Mrs Lucy Thornton (Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday)
Teacher - Mrs Olivia Metcalfe (Thursday and Friday)
Teaching Assistant - Mrs Nicola Williams
Teaching Assistant - Mrs Kirsty Bates
In our reception class, we believe that high quality provision and play underpins development and learning for young children. We encourage our children to become independent, confident and motivated learners through planned purposeful play opportunities and adult led activities, within our provision indoors and outdoors.
The principles of ‘The Early Years Foundation Stage’, the characteristics of effective learning and our knowledge of child development, play a fundamental part in our provision, planning and teaching. We want the start our children’s learning journeys to be fun, exciting and full of endless possibilities.
Our exciting and fun curriculum aims to promote progress in all areas of learning as outlined in ‘Development Matters in the Early Years Foundation Stage’. We also use observations and assessments to ensure that activities match our children’s needs, interests and stage of development and to identify next steps in their learning.
The themes we are exploring this year are:
Autumn 1: All About Me & Exploring Autumn Wonders
Autumn 2: Space, Colour and Light & Let’s Celebrate
Spring 1: Once Upon a Time & Exploring Winter Wonderland
Spring 2: The Day the Giant Came
Summer 1: Creepy Crawlies
Summer 2: Oh I Do Like to be Beside the Seaside
We would like to thank you for visiting our class page. We are really looking forward to joining your child on their learning journey as we play, learn and grow together.
Contact info
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any queries or need more information.
Telephone: 01484 222918
Send a message via Class Dojo
School website: